Customer Testimonials

I have been referred by numerous satisfied customers. Here are some customer testimonials:

"John Darvis was absolutely amazing! I have moved 9 different times in my career across multiple states and John was by far the best Realtor I've ever had. He is a 24/7 guy that is always available and on top of everything. I couldn't have asked for someone more capable and hope he gets recognized as such. Great person on top of an exemplary Realtor!”-Mark P.

“John was an excellent agent, was willing to jump at a moments notice to look at homes in the fast moving market.  I leaned on his knowledge of the market to ensure I got the best home and best deal I could.  I'm thrilled with my new home and I owe it to John's hard work and dedication that I was able to get this house...working with John to sell my current home and he is working as diligently, holding open houses and providing guidance...I have nothing but complements for him throughout this whole process of buying and selling...made the whole process far less stressful...would work with him again”-Nathan M.

“John Darvis was amazing.  He worked so hard for us through the whole process.” - Kelly R.

​”John Darvis exceeded my expectations in every way.  I cannot say enough about how lucky I was to be paired with John through this whole process.  John was awesome...His experience, thoughtfulness, responsiveness and professionalism set him apart from real estate agents I had in the past...I could not have asked for a single thing more as he made each step as easy as it can be and clearly communicated what each step entailed.  I cannot thank John enough for helping me through this process, he was amazing!” -Patrick G.

“John is a very dedicated & hard working agent.  His greatest attributes include: responsive to phone calls & e-mails, transaction expertise is top notch, negotiation ability was very good and marketing skills was very good.  John was an excellent agent and if you want to sell your home fast or get a good deal on your next home - hire him.” - Robert & Roxanne J.

“Everything John did was above and beyond the call of duty and I would definitely call him again when I need his services.  I would also feel very comfortable recommending him to others.” - Mary Ellen H.

“Was Genuine!! Thank You!” - Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W.

“We have met other sales persons but he is the most cooperative and friendly and he knows his clients very well and respects them!” -Naheed A.

“John has consistently done a quality job & I would´t hesitate to contact him again for any future real estate matters. Keep up the good work & responsiveness! ”- Mary S. S.

“John is easy to work with is understanding and enjoys his position. Keep up the good work.”-Brent P.

“Spent long hours researching homes for us and is great in negotiations.”- David M.

"Pinpointed a nice house in the exact area I was looking for"- Mathew S.